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It is recently that i have the privilege to react to the emerging technologies
Public procurement principles set the framework for managing public procurement requirements, and also within which procurement practitioners’ must work. So, as practitioners it is important not only to have a clear understanding of public procurement principles, but to interiorize them so that they serve as guiding principles in our decision-making process. By integrating these principles into our work ethics, the outcome of our decisions will always be in line with public procurement principles. Being governed by and working in line with public procurement principles is especially important.
Public procurement practitioners are public servants because we handle public funds. As such, we are bound by an ethical code of conduct and accountable for what we do or fail to do when managing those funds.
In subsequent posts, the following seven fundamental public procurement principles will be addressed:
1. Transparency
2. Integrity
3. Economy
4. Openness
5. Fairness
6. Competition
7. Accountability